Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hairbow Monster!

Ordered a pack of alligator clips and this is what's happening...

Babies with hair, watch out!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Boutique Hairbow!

Have you ever looked at a daunting project, reading the instructions over and over, but never trying for fear of failure?

Well that is what this bow was for me. It is my most favorite type of bow for Rachel's hair, and other cute things.

I used some ribbon from a birthday gift (The Kitas), and turned it into a bow. Wait, they have two girls. I may need to make a second one!

Front side

Backside with clip

The most beautiful picture of me donning the bow. I would have put it on rachel, but a) she was napping and b)she doesn't have enough hair STILL!

Little bit of packaging (idea from Kathy, who gave us some homemade clips)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

1 Year Old birthday cards

I never knew how big of a deal a kids first birthday is, but it's definitely an accomplishment for first time parents!

Grayson and Kaylee are both turning one this month. Here are their cards


Kaylee's: supposed to be balloons, but evolved into lollipops :)

Thank You Cards - Citrus Textures and Circle Scallop Punch

Lots of sweet friends and family to thank this year for birthday gifts--
Rachel took this crazy over two hour nap and we actually had to wake her up from it sadly
But as a result, I started and finished a project! Can't say that has happened since the last post.