Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Quilted wristlet!

This wristlet is for Kathy, Justin's best girl friend, whose birthday is this week. I figure she can pull this owl pattern off. I quilted it just like I did for the potholders, except this time I criss-crossed over the diagonal lines to make little diamonds. I used felt, but batting would have made it pucker more. Next time. The most time was spent on figuring out how to cover up the zig zag stitches on the wristlet string attached to the keychain.

It looked pretty ugly bc I reinforced it so much, so I had to sew a little strip and wrap it around the stitches, but hen came across the same problem, how do I avoid having raw edges on the outside of the wristlet?

Since I'm new at this, I had to play around with it, but I ended up taking a small stop, folding it in half, unfolding it, then folding in the edges towards the center on both sides. Then right sides together, I sewed these together and flipped the loop inside out so that the stitches are on the inside. Then I slipped this loop over the gross zig zags. And...I'm done! Sent to Austin!